Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sometimes I thought.

5 minutes ago, I was hesitating whether to blog or not, but still I did. Haha.

Anyway, was working on my pile of homework before deciding to online for a while.
Everyone around me seemed to be as worn out too.

During Biology lesson today, Miss Chan gave us a 5 mins break & everyone collapsed down, sleeping, except for a few souls doing their homework.

Mommy's been such a sweetie these few days.
She'd been buying me my fav. food & when I was whining 'bout saving for my prom dress last night, she said she could sponsor me a hundred for that.

Then this morning I was so tired & she told me not to go school.
Though I still did, Haha. :) :) :)

Huiqi is still so awesome as ever. *beams*

Anyway, glad that Xiqiang's surgery a sucess, despite my many attempts to tell him that it would be so scary. Haha. (:

Been such a long time since I last ever have such a wordy post like this.
So I shall get back to my studytable already, see y'!

I shall go now ♥